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无锡汇众伟业电气有限公司长年生产销售各类太阳能发电系统用蓄电池、摩配免维护铅酸蓄电池、不间断UPS免维护蓄电池、通信电源系统专用免维护蓄电池、应急电源免维护蓄电池,牵引蓄电池,电动三轮车用蓄电池。拥有江苏宜兴(无锡市汇众电源有限公司)和南京溧水(南京夏华电子有限公司)两个生产基地。产品型号齐全.现本公司的产品已通过ISO9002和获得CE认证。公司拥有雄厚的技术力量和先进的全自动化生产设备 With various battery series and models, HUIZHONG so far could offers VRLA battery with ALL kinds of series and thousands of models, the capacity from 0.5AH to 3000AH; and which is widely used on industry and civil field, such as Communication equipment, electric power systems、Uninterruptible power suppliers and stand-by power systems, Emergency lighting systems, Solar powered and wind powered systems, Power generation plants, Control systems, Alarm systems, Medical equipment , Electric vehicles, Electric toys and other Special applications. In order to meet client’s requirement in different fields in f... [详细介绍]
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·无锡市太湖客车修理厂 | 2018-06-03 |